Endometriosis Malpractice Lawsuits

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Endometriosis Injuries Caused by Medical Negligence

Sue for endometriosis malpractice in NJ need attorneyIf you have endometriosis, you may have difficulty becoming pregnant. In fact, this is how some women ultimately discover that they have the condition. Approximately 3% to 10% of women in their childbearing years are afflicted with this disorder, which occurs when the uterine wall lining grows outside of the womb, causing pain and cramping in the lower abdominals, particularly when menstruating or during intercourse. The pain may be intermittent, worsening around menstruation and during sex. It may also be constant, often producing associated symptoms like painful bowel movements, painful urination, bloating and constipation. Notably, some women with endometriosis may be symptom-free. Due to the variability among endometriosis sufferers, it is incumbent upon doctors to investigate any and all symptoms, spot signs that something might be amiss, and effectively treat the condition when it arises in their patients. Despite the responsibility to provide proper care when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis, some obstetricians and other physicians are negligent in their duties. Mistakes and malpractice occur with virtually all medical conditions, all too often with devastating results.

If you have been injured by medical malpractice regarding endometriosis, the highly skilled New Jersey medical malpractice lawyers at Fronzuto Law Group are poised to assist you. From the moment we become involved in your case, we take the initiative with determining your grounds for a lawsuit and guiding you through the road ahead. Contact our law office at (973)-435-4551 to discuss your case and possible claim for damages.Fronzuto Law Group

Why do Women get Endometriosis?

While some evidence shows that genetics help to determine whether a person gets endometriosis, the causes are largely hard to establish. A woman may have endometriosis for several reasons. One is that menstrual blood escapes from the fallopian tubes and settles into the abdominals, known as retrograde menstruation. Since the blood has no exit route in the same manner as endometrial tissue each month, as it sloughs off during menstruation, the endometrial cells take root in the abdominal cavity or on other organs, forming lesions where those cells settle.

Other causes of endometriosis may be that cells outside of the uterus mutate to form uterine lining cells, or that uterine lining cells traveling through the bloodstream spread the cells throughout the body. When menstrual blood seeps into the abdominal cavity or settles on other organs resulting in cysts, lesions, or scar tissue, the woman experiences pain from inflammation and irritation. Inflammation may also affect the reproductive organs’ proper functioning, which often leads to infertility. Roughly one-third to nearly one-half of women who struggle with infertility also have endometriosis.

How do Doctors Diagnose Endometriosis?

Those women who experience no pain with endometriosis may be diagnosed with the condition when undergoing other procedures, such as having their tubes tied or receiving infertility surgery. Those experiencing pain are typically diagnosed following laparoscopic surgery ordered for a biopsy. After scoping the abdominal cavity with a camera and sampling the endometrial tissue (uterine lining) growing outside of the uterus, a doctor can diagnose the disorder.

Can Endometriosis be Cured?

Unfortunately, there is no absolute cure for endometriosis. Treating the symptoms is the best that modern medicine can do for now. Likewise, there is no way to prevent it. Pain medication and hormone treatment temporarily abate symptoms. However, the only way to remove endometriosis is to surgically extract the tissue, lesions, and scar tissue on the reproductive organs. Some physicians prefer to treat the symptoms with pain medications before resorting to surgery. This may be accomplished with various drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or oral contraceptive pills and gonadotropin to induce a menopausal-like state that slows down the tissue growth. Regardless, the only way to diagnose the condition or attempt to slow the tissue growth is through surgery.

Women no longer interested in having children may opt to remove the uterus or ovaries, but that does not guarantee the end of the problem. The pain associated with endometriosis often returns for women even after surgery, and all surgeries have risks.

Types of Endometriosis Malpractice

Although not always, accidents and errors do happen during surgery. One such example of surgical negligence occurs when a surgeon accidentally cuts a nerve, leaving a patient with permanent incontinence. Other endometriosis surgery complications include uncontrollable bleeding, damage to nearby organs, and gas bubbles or embolisms that can travel through blood vessels to the lungs, requiring emergency treatment. Post-surgery complications may include difficulty emptying the bladder and bowels or infection at the wound site, possibly happening in the urinary tract or in other parts of the reproductive system. Remember as well that surgery is not a permanent cure, as endometriosis often returns.

To make matters worse, the condition is often misdiagnosed as uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome. Women who come to their doctors with menstrual pain and cramping, which are common symptoms not as severely painful as endometriosis, expect relief. To endure the significant pelvic pain, cramps, and bleeding due to misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis can be devastating to the physical, emotional, and psychological well being of the suffering patient. Early diagnosis alleviates not only the pain, but the damage to internal organs that continues unabated. Moreover, endometriosis can increase the risk of certain cancers, demanding timely diagnosis and management to prevent possible life-threatening conditions that may come.

Physicians who fail to diagnose the condition may have negligently performed tests or not ordered any tests to detect endometriosis in the first place. And yet, doctors know that the longer endometriosis remains, the greater the likelihood of permanent damage. In the same manner, surgeons who err while performing surgery for the condition put patients at risk for serious, permanent complications.

Get Help from Endometriosis Malpractice Lawyers in New Jersey

If you or your loved one suffered injury unnecessarily from undiagnosed or untreated endometriosis, or negligence during surgery, consider enlisting help from a medical malpractice attorney who can review your case and evaluate your eligibility for compensation. You should not be subjected to severe pain and complications from negligently undiagnosed or improperly treated endometriosis. Fronzuto Law Group is here to provide you with knowledgeable legal guidance and assistance. You deserve seasoned representation in your quest for accountability on the part of your medical providers and financial compensation for the emotional and economic losses owed to you. Call (973)-435-4551 for a free consultation about your unique case today.


Recurrence of endometriosis; risk factors, mechanisms and biomarkers; review of the literature

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