Paralysis from Medical Errors

Attorneys for those Paralyzed by Medical Mistakes in NJ

Paralysis from Medical Malpractice NJ Lawyer Help1 out of every 50 Americans lives with paralysis in one form or another. Paralysis, whether complete or partial, results from nervous system failure or injury. The trajectory of paralysis is as follows: when nerves are damaged in the central nervous system, most notably the brain and spinal cord, the brain’s messages to the muscles are disrupted, causing paralysis. Paralysis can strike anywhere but typically, the arms, legs, left or right side of the body, or the same area on both sides of the body. A quadriplegic has no use of their arms or legs, while a paraplegic can use their arms but not their legs. Monoplegia describes paralysis to one limb, and hemiplegia refers to paralysis to the left or right side of the body, the way some people are affected by stroke. Localized facial, hand, foot, or vocal cord paralysis results from nerve damage from illness or accident. While there are various conditions, injuries, and diseases that may be responsible for paralysis, it may also be caused by a doctor’s or other medical professionals’ errors.

If this has happened to you or someone you love who is now living with paralysis due to medical mistakes, Fronzuto Law Group can help. Our distinguished paralysis attorneys fight for justice on behalf of those paralyzed by medical negligence throughout New Jersey. We are here to assist you with a free consultation and medical malpractice case review. Simply call our law firm in New Jersey at 973-435-4551 today.

Many Possible Causes of Paralysis

A genetic predisposition or birth defect may lead to paralysis at birth, as is often the case with conditions such as spina bifida. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) or multiple sclerosis, as well as conditions such as cerebral palsy, Peripheral neuropathy, and Guillain-Barré syndrome may likewise be responsible for causing paralysis. Moreover, paralyzed parts of the body or even the entire physical self may arise after a head or spinal injury causing neurological damage. Strokes and toxic exposure are still other possibly attributable causes of paralysis and other complications. However, sometimes paralysis results from medical errors, whether it be doctors prescribing the wrong medication, or mistakes in the delivery room that cause an infant to be paralyzed.

Babies Paralyzed due to Medical Mistakes

Each time a baby is born, potential health risks arise. Labor and delivery are never guaranteed to be an easy and smooth process. So, when a baby moves through the birth canal and is obstructed due to an incompatible fit between the size of the baby and the mother’s pelvis, the baby can be stuck or injured on the way out. Brachial plexus injuries, strained or torn nerves in the baby’s neck, may cause paralysis, as can forced extractions.

Doctors who have insufficient training using forceps or vacuum extractors can cause irreparable damage to babies paralyzed from brain injury. Babies injured by birth assistance instruments can suffer brain damage leading to cerebral palsy, which may also cause paralysis. In addition, a lack of oxygen to the brain and failing to monitor oxygen levels of a fetus can end in an infant with brain damage and paralysis. Undiagnosed maternal infections can also lead to a baby who is entirely or partially paralyzed, when a mother passes the infection to her unborn child.

Paralyzed by Negligence in Surgery

In adults, surgical errors may cause paralysis when the surgeon mistakenly damages an adjacent site to the one that they are operating on and damage nerves or the spinal cord. Also, anesthesiologists and other medical professionals who fail to ensure the patient has enough oxygen or anesthesia may also cause paralysis. And untreated spinal infections, malfunctioning medical equipment, epidural abscess, and other untreated conditions may lead to brain, spinal cord, or nerve damage corresponding with paralysis.

Undiagnosed and Misdiagnosed Conditions can Lead to Paralysis

Although paralysis is generally obvious to detect, diagnosing causes may be less obvious, barring an accident that results in immediate paralysis of a body part. X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, EMGs (electromyography), spinal taps, and myelography tests all examine different body areas, like bones, nerves, muscles, and tissue. An EMG tests the nerves and muscles for electrical impulses. Physicians use these tests to locate the source of paralysis and develop treatment strategies.

Commonly, the damage to patients occurs by misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of a condition that can result in paralysis if left untreated. When tumors in the brain or other organs are missed, paralysis, among other conditions, such as brain damage, blindness and deafness can occur. Likewise, untreated conditions such as meningitis can lead to paralysis if not promptly treated. Injury to the spinal cord due to accident or illness must be quickly diagnosed to avoid paralysis. In many cases, this can be done through accurate performance and interpretation of scans that can reveal spinal cord and brain injuries. Failing to meticulously rule out sources of paralysis by proper testing may be considered negligence, often leading to medical malpractice lawsuits.

Signs of Paralysis

Those who suffer paralysis, regardless of the source, may have no feeling in the affected area, some tingling sensation, numbness, cramps, or muscle stiffness. Complications arising from affected muscles include:

  • Problems with circulation
  • Breathing irregularities
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Malfunctioning organs
  • Tissue and gland problems
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Joint and bone changes
  • Skin sores
  • Blood clotting
  • Incontinence and loss of bowel functioning
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Lack of speech or limited speaking abilities
  • Behavioral changes.

As one might expect, depression is a common symptom for those dealing with paralysis.

Treatments and Therapies for Paralyzed Individuals

Treatment from physical therapists, occupational therapists, or technological adaptive devices, such as wheelchairs, braces, voice-activated computers, and driving aids, can help a paralyzed person adapt to ordinary living and can improve some patients’ lives tremendously. Responsiveness to treatment depends on whether the paralysis is permanent or temporary, partial or complete. If partial, some control over the muscles allows for improvement with therapy. If complete, muscles are immobile. Sometimes paralysis comes in the form of spastic muscles or atrophied muscles, which makes treatment more challenging. Sadly, paralysis is incurable unless it is temporary like Bell’s palsy or some strokes from which patients may recover over time. Also, Multiple Sclerosis patients can slow down their diminishing muscle capacity with therapy.

New Jersey Paralysis Lawyers Fighting for You when Paralyzed by Medical Errors

All forms of paralysis can be debilitating. A person who was once a functioning member of society may suddenly be unable to work, live independently, or enjoy ordinary pleasures of life. Their life may be completely changed, filled with medical appointments and treatment therapies. If you suffered paralysis at the hands of a negligent medical professional, your entire home may have to be retrofitted, you may have to file for permanent disability, and receive daily visits from various therapists and technicians to maintain adaptive devices. These can be very costly.

When avoidable mistakes end in tragic injuries, victims need recourse for their immeasurable pain, suffering, and economic losses. A medical malpractice lawyer has the answers when it comes to redressing the wrongs committed against patients, adults, children, and infants alike, who end up paralyzed from negligent professional conduct. Get help from the highly experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Fronzuto Law Group who can investigate your eligibility to receive compensation if medical professionals’ mistakes caused your paralysis. If we find negligence at the root of your injuries, we will guide you through the entire legal process, gathering the medical documents, witnesses, and experts you need to build a successful case against those who harmed you. Our premier New Jersey law firm has recovered millions in verdicts and settlements on behalf of people injured due to substandard medical care. Contact 973-435-4551 to discuss your case with a member of our team.

Practice Areas

Our attorneys advocate for those who suffer injuries due to the negligence of physicians, nurses, other health care professionals, hospitals, and medical facilities.

Medical Malpractice

Our team addresses the most complex of pediatric malpractice cases, including rare conditions such as craniosynostosis and plagiocephaly.

Pediatric Malpractice

Our firm represents individuals who are injured by improperly designed and manufactured products, including pharmaceuticals and medical devices, auto products, and sporting equipment.


Our attorneys advocate for those who suffer injuries due to the negligence of physicians, nurses, other health care professionals, hospitals, and medical facilities.

Wrongful Death

If you or your child suffers from a birth injury, Fronzuto Law Group can help.

Birth Injuries

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