Category: NJ Medical Malpractice Laws

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Impact of the Discovery Rule on Medical Malpractice Claims

Understanding the Concept of the Discovery Rule and its Complex Implications is Important for the Outcome of Your Medical Malpractice Case in New Jersey Sadly, your medical team failed at meeting their duty of care, and now you suffer a devastating injury caused by their negligence. You have a medical malpractice claim, but you may […]

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What is Loss of Enjoyment of Life in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

After a medical malpractice injury, you may suffer physical pain due to sprains, fractures, cuts, infections, bleeding, and even permanent disability, as well as emotional pain due to overwhelming losses. When your life changes radically due to a medical professional’s carelessness or recklessness, you may lose your sense of joy, purpose, and well-being. Activities you […]

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Doctor-Patient Relationships in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

The Physician Patient Relationship and its Critical Role when Seeking Compensation for Negligence What Constitutes a Doctor-Patient Relationship? You chose your doctor because you trust them. After all, your life is in their hands when making the right health decisions, preventing illness, and treating health problems. You further trust that they will perform medical services […]

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When can you File a Lawsuit for Hospice Malpractice in NJ?

Attorneys Explaining what can be done when Injuries Result from Medical Negligence in Hospice Care  A person with a terminal illness or diagnosis may rely on hospice care during the last stages of their life. While the anticipated outcome of a patient being cared for by hospice healthcare professionals is the presumed death of the […]

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Is there a Med Mal Damages Cap in Federally Funded Hospitals in New Jersey?

Receiving medical care is by no means the same in every environment. Clearly, when you go to your local doctor’s office, visit a nearby urgent care center, check into the hospital, or rush to the emergency room, each experience is fundamentally different from the next. But did you know that where you are treated and […]

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Maternal Death Prevention Law Enacted after Widower’s Advocacy

After the death of his wife, Charles Johnson became a champion in the fight against maternal deaths in the United States. His advocacy, coupled with that of U.S. Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, led to the Preventing Maternal Death Act of 2018. President Donald Trump signed this significant legislation into law in December. The bill’s enactment represents a major […]

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Is there a Damages Cap in New Jersey?

If you are considering filing a medical malpractice lawsuit in New Jersey, you may be wondering: is there a limit on the money I can recover as a victim of medical negligence? The monetary amount awarded to a plaintiff in a medical malpractice case is called “damages.” Some states have enacted “damages caps,” which set […]

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