Three Mothers Bring Lawsuits Against Doctor, Hospital After Babies Suffer Birth Injuries

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Passaic County birth injuries NJ attorney helpThree mothers have filed lawsuits against a physician and a hospital, for alleged medical malpractice that resulted in two children with severe birth injuries and one who did not survive. These tragic cases are evidence of the catastrophic consequences that may result from medical negligence and delivery errors during child birth. Obstetricians, hospitals, and medical staff are given the extraordinary responsibility to monitor and execute the safe delivery of their patients’ babies and when they fail to do so, devastating and permanent injuries may result.

Think Your Child may have a Birth Injury Case in Passaic County? We can Help

At Fronzuto Law Group, our highly experienced birth injury lawyers advocate for families whose infants have suffered injuries during and after delivery due to medical malpractice in Passaic County and throughout New Jersey. We seek maximum compensation for our clients and work tirelessly to hold negligent hospitals and medical professionals accountable. If your child has suffered a birth injury or wrongful death in Paterson, Clifton, Wayne, Totowa, Ringwood, West Milford, Haledon, Hawthorne, or another town, contact our Passaic County offices at 973-435-4551 for a cost-free consultation about your case.

Sometimes, understanding a legal issue can be made easier by way of an example. The three plaintiffs in the aforementioned case are Tatyana Phillips, Jessica Bonura, and Stephanie Garcia, each of whom have filed lawsuits against East Houston Regional Medical Center and a practicing physician there, Dr. June Williams Colman. The mothers allege that Dr. Colman and the other medical practitioners handling the births of their babies failed to recognize fetal distress, let the deliveries proceed for too long without performing C-sections, and attempted improper vacuum deliveries.

Jessica Bonura’s son was born in 2012 with a severe brain injury, likely resulting from lack of oxygen during delivery. Garcia’s son was born in 2014 with what has been described as a permanent “catastrophic state of injury,” which includes problems ranging from vision impairments to the inability to control his brain’s internal temperature.

Phillips, on the other hand, lost her son soon after he was born. She arrived at the medical center in 2015, where she claims that medical professionals failed to recognize her baby’s distress. She was then instructed to push for over two hours, jeopardizing blood and oxygen flow to the child’s brain. Dr. Colman then attempted to deliver the baby via vacuum extractor three times. The baby suffered severe brain damage and other injuries which ultimately led to his death.

According to the plaintiffs, Dr. Colman and hospital staff not only made errors during the delivery, but negligently used the drug Oxytocin, which can be used to induce labor. Each of the women was not given the option of a C-section, which may have prevented their babies’ birth injuries, and in the case of Phillips, saved her infant son’s life.

Three other mothers previously brought lawsuits against Colman for refusing to offer them C-sections and “inappropriately attempting to perform a vacuum delivery.” The Texas Medical Board chose not to suspend her license in 2014 following these claims, but they did required her to pay a $3,000 fine and complete at least 20 hours of continuing medical education on high-risk obstetrics.

For additional information pertaining to this case, access the following: After Botched Deliveries, Three Houston Moms Sue Houston Hospital, Doctor

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