New Mammogram Guidelines Spark Contentious Debate About Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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New Jersey Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer Leaders in the medical community have generated additional confusion among patients and practitioners alike, as the The American Cancer Society recently published new mammogram guidelines for breast cancer screening, but experts fail to reach a consensus. The implications of this ongoing debate are two-fold: first, it leaves patients to question the best course of action for breast cancer prevention, and second: it further complicates questions of medical malpractice in cases involving breast cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis.

On Tuesday, October 20th, The American Cancer Society published an updated version of its mammogram guidelines, advising the majority of women to delay mammogram screenings until age 45, as opposed to the previous recommendation of age 40. The specific components of the new guidelines are as follows:

  • Women with an average risk of breast cancer are advised to have one mammogram each year from ages 45 to 54.
  • Women ages 55 and over have the option for mammograms once per year or once every two years.
  • Those who opt to begin mammogram screenings at age 40 should be aware of the increased risk of false-positives before age 45.

These new recommendations have spurred a contentious debate in the medical community, as those who oppose the ACS’s recent guidelines say that they are based solely on screenings that saved a woman’s life, omitting entirely all of the cases wherein mammograms allowed for early diagnosis. Those in favor of the ACS guidelines say that requiring mammograms later will prevent misdiagnoses and false positives. On the other side of the debate, critics argue that a false-positive is preferable to a lack of screening that allows cancer to spread undetected for months, if not years.

In the midst of this controversy, the most important question remains: where does this leave the patient? The reality is that breast cancer represents the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. In 2015, according to the National Cancer Institute, 231,840 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and the disease will claim 40,290 lives. Further, the highest fatality rates occur among women who do not receive regular screenings and whose cancers have progressed to later stages when ultimately discovered.

Regardless of the ongoing division among medical professionals as it relates to mammograms and preventative screening for breast cancer, those tasked with protecting your health should evaluate your risk factors for the disease, educate you about all of the screenings and preventative measures at your disposal, and ensure that your breast cancer is detected and addressed as soon as possible. When physicians, radiologists, and other healthcare providers fail to administer appropriate screenings, improperly interpret tests results, or fail to pursue potential red flags, and your breast cancer is allowed to persist, you have the right to hold them accountable for their negligence.

At Fronzuto Law Group, our skilled team of medical malpractice attorneys has assisted numerous victims of cancer misdiagnosis in New Jersey. For instance, we recently recovered a six-figure settlement on behalf of a 33-year-old woman after a failure to diagnose resulted in Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. When these tragedies befall innocent victims, it our honor to serve as the champions of their cause. If you suspect that a cancer misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis contributed to the suffering of you or someone you love, contact our offices anytime at 973-435-4551. We are always available to answer your questions and consultations are always free of charge.

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