Aspirin Shown to Reduce Preterm Preeclampsia Risk in Pregnant Women

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New Jersey Preeclampsia LawyersA new study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, has shown low doses of aspirin may reduce the risk of preterm preeclampsia in pregnant women. These findings may assist doctors in preventing preterm preeclampsia among high-risk patients. However, doctors must first identify risk factors and run necessary screening tests throughout the stages of prenatal care in order to mitigate these risks.

The new research, entitled Aspirin versus Placebo in Pregnancies at High Risk for Preterm Preeclampsia, found that 150 milligrams of aspirin per day may reduce preterm preeclampsia in high-risk pregnant women when taken from 11 weeks to 36 weeks of gestation. The study included 1620 women who were identified as high-risk for preterm preeclampsia. One group was instructed to take 150 milligrams of aspirin each day, while the other was given a placebo.

The participants began the study between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation and took aspirin or a placebo until 36 weeks of gestation. Researchers sought to determine whether or not low doses of aspirin helped to prevent delivery with preeclampsia prior to 37 weeks of gestation. Among the women who took aspirin, 13 experienced preterm preeclampsia, accounting for 1.6%. On the other hand, 35 of the pregnant women who received a placebo had preterm preeclampsia, accounting for 4.3%.

Ultimately, the results showed aspirin is a valuable tool in preventing preterm preeclampsia among pregnant women at high risk. This is an extremely significant finding, as preeclampsia is a leading condition associated with maternal death, neonatal death, and serious injuries for mothers and infants.

What is Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a common condition among pregnant women, marked by high blood pressure (hypertension) and protein in the urine. A woman suffering from preeclampsia may experience rapid increases in blood pressure during and after pregnancy, as well as:

  • Swelling of the extremities
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Headache
  • Vision changes
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abdominal, shoulder, or lower back pain
  • Hyperresponsive reflexes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Anxiety

If unidentified or untreated, preeclampsia can lead to severe complications. Some of the potential outcomes of misdiagnosed or mismanaged preeclampsia include fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, placental abruption, seizures, stroke, and other brain injuries for the mother or baby. This study concentrated on the incidence of preterm birth associated with preeclampsia. Preterm birth can place a mother and child at serious risk. For instance, prematurity is a risk factor for infant breathing problems and other birth injuries.

Did Your Doctor Mismanage Preeclampsia during Pregnancy?

Get a Free Consultation with a New Jersey Medical Malpractice Attorney.

It is your doctor’s responsibility to conduct exams and screening tests over the course of your pregnancy to identify risk factors and conditions like preeclampsia. Failure to detect and appropriately treat preeclampsia can place you and your child at serious risk. If your doctor was medically negligent and you or your child suffered complications related to preeclampsia, you deserve justice. Your OB-GYN must provide an acceptable standard of care throughout your pregnancy by detecting conditions and consistently monitoring the health of you and your child. If you have been a victim of preeclampsia-related errors, the New Jersey medical malpractice lawyers at Fronzuto Law Group will thoroughly investigate your case to find instances of negligence that may have caused harm. We are available anytime to provide you with a free consultation. Call 973-435-4551 or contact us online for additional information.

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