Stent Causes Clot Man Sues For Being Paralyzed As A Result

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Imagine you are involved in a catastrophic accident while driving your vehicle, and you need emergency surgery to save your life. As a result, you survive the wreck and are able to live your life at least somewhat normally (if not completely normally). However, you have no idea that the surgery that saved your life was actually done improperly, or that it could cause a serious complication down the line.

So one day, years later, you suddenly collapse and are in immense pain. It turns out that the surgery that happened years prior caused a blood clot, one that has ravaged your system. Emergency surgery is again needed to swiftly correct the issue — but it is too late. The blood clot has done its damage. You are paralyzed, and your life will never be the same.

Sadly, this is exactly what happened to a young man recently. He was in a motorcycle accident, requiring surgery for the man to save his life. A stent was placed in him to fix his aorta. But one year later, he suddenly collapsed and was shouting in pain. He was taken into emergency surgery, and they removed a clot that had formed at the stent. Unfortunately, by the time the clot was removed, the man was paralyzed.

He sued as a result, and his case was settled out of court for $4.5 million. Which is great and all, but his life will never be the same. He will need care for the rest of his life to help him get by. Medical mistakes, though they may happen often, are unacceptable — and those who are victimized need to hold those who were responsible liable for their mistake, just so that they receive a small sense of justice for their unfortunate ordeal.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “L.A. County settles medical malpractice case for $4.5 million,” Jean Merl, March 31, 2015

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