Botched Post Op Care Alleged By Family Of Victimized 13 Year Old

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Last year there was a very unfortunate medical case where a girl who was having surgery for sleep apnea suffered some horrific post-surgery complications that led to her being declared brain dead. The girl’s family put her on life support, and to this day she remains on that life support. She is living in a special facility where she receives care and treatment around the clock, but she has not recovered from her brain dead state.

It’s a tragic story, and it is only made worse by this added element: there may have been some form of medical negligence or recklessness on the part of the medical team that was treating the girl.

The family of the 13-year-old has sued the hospital where the girl was when she received surgery for sleep apnea, and also the doctor that was in charge of her care. The allegations, according to the family’s lawyer, include a “chain of errors” on the part of the hospital and the medical team, though the only clear example from the source article is that the girl had a “medialized carotid artery” which should have meant that the medical team was especially careful with her post-op care and regularly checking her for any potential complications.

The lawsuit will now play out, and it is likely this will take a long time. This is something to be aware of if you are affected, or a loved one is affected, by negligent medical care. The lawsuit can take many months, if not years, to be fully complete.

Source: ABC 7 News, “Jahi McMath’s Family to Sue Children’s Hospital Oakland,” Elissa Harrington, March 3, 2015

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