Report Infections From Outpatient Surgery Rare But Serious

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Doctors visits are all about statistics. We are told the probability of a procedure being successful or the chances of a dangerous medication side effect. There is a significant weight put on numbers and probabilities. But if and when something happens, even if it is against the odds, the statistics can change. When someone is the victim of an unlikely medical error in New Jersey, there is essentially a 100 percent chance that his or her life will change.

That is why a recent report on outpatient surgical infections is significant. According to the report, roughly 0.5 percent of outpatient surgical patients surveyed developed an infection after leaving the hospital. While this number may seem small, those who do experience an infection can suffer serious consequences and often require more hospitalization and more surgery.

Until now, much of the research that has been conducted on surgical site infections has been focused on inpatient operations. This study is unique in that it looked at the people who are receiving emergency care or are not admitted to the hospital. These could be less serious procedures that may not involve lengthy recovery periods.

But according to the research, three out of every 1,000 patients studied who received outpatient surgical operations developed an infection. Many of these patients then had to be admitted to the hospital so they could receive treatment. For many patients, this meant more time away from work and family, and added costs for medical care.

There are few suggestions offered in the recent report regarding possible steps that can be taken to decrease the likelihood of post-operative infection for patients. However, one suggestion included better informing patients of what they must do at home to avoid an infection. Clearer communication and effective follow-up methods could also curb the chances of patients suffering an infection.

Certain medical errors or consequences may not be common, but that does not mean they are unavoidable or unimportant. In the event that a person has suffered a serious illness or injury as a result of negligent or inadequate medical attention, it may be possible for that person to pursue compensation for damages. Money may not be able to undo the damage that has been done, but it can help victims and their families recover, both financially and physically, from a troubling medical issue.

Source: Modern Healthcare, “Surgical site infections after outpatient surgery rare, but still a risk, study finds,” Sabriya Rice, Feb. 21, 2014

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