Medical Malpractice Caps Can Limit Your Compensation

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Imagine that you have just had surgery. It’s not a major surgery (although any surgery is a big deal) but it’s still invasive enough that you have to stay in a hospital overnight. As you rest in your hospital bed, you start to feel nauseous. Then, things take a turn for the worst and your doctors and nurses are scrambling to stabilize you. In the end you’re okay — but the whole ordeal happened because your surgeon made a mistake, causing complications.

The extra time and procedures necessary to help you recover from this surgical error leads to many more medical bills and costs associated with your care. You, understandably, are upset and eventually sue for medical malpractice.

As we outlined in our last post, this scenario happens a lot; and specifically with that last post, we talked about a case that resulted in an award of nearly $4 million for the victimized patient. However, we want to caution anyone who has been adversely (and unfortunately) affected by a medical error that when you file a medical malpractice lawsuit, there are no guarantees what your compensation will be.

Even if you receive a large amount of money on the day your case is settled in court, that doesn’t mean that will be the amount you receive. Laws relating to medical malpractice often cap the amount of compensation you can receive from a lawsuit.

As always, consult an experienced medical malpractice attorney to have all of your questions answered — and if you live in the Passaic County area, the Fronzuto Law Group can help you in this regard and answer all of your financial and legal questions pertaining to any potential medical malpractice litigation you intend to file.

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