You Can Hold Medical Pros Or Institutions Responsible For Mistakes

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When you go to the doctor’s office or the hospital, you expect everything to be in near-perfect shape. There should be clean surfaces and fresh sheets on the bed. The utensils that medical professionals use should be sanitized and good to go before any procedures. The medical record system should be up to date and fully functional. These are just a few of the basic things that should be happening at every hospital across the country, let alone just in New Jersey.

However, this sadly doesn’t always happen. Every once and awhile, you’ll read a seemingly-unreal story about a patient who suffered a terrible medical setback due to unclean bed sheets or his or her hospital bed; or utensils that weren’t sanitized, thus spreading a disease or infection on to a what would have been a healthy patient; or medical records systems crashing or not being properly updated by medical personnel.

When these mistakes happen, patients suffer immensely. Their medical condition can (and likely will) worsen, or a condition may go undiagnosed or unnoticed. They may have to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills just to let medical professionals fix their own mistakes.

It’s unfair and you don’t have to take it. At Fronzuto Law Group, we are passionate about supporting people who have been the victims of medical malpractice or hospital negligence. We want you to get the compensation and justice that you truly deserve for the terrible ordeal you were put through by a reckless medical institution or professional. 

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